What Does An Ip Address Tell You

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An IP address, short for Internet Protocol address, is a string of numbers used to represent a network-connected device. Every smartphone, computer, router, smart TV, etc. Using any type of network is identified by one. The IP is what allows devices to send data to each other. IP Address is the backbone of the Internet, and without an IP Address, the Internet would disappear. It is a combination of a sequence of numbers that starts from zero and goes up till 255. An IP Address looks like The decimal numbers in an IP Address have four groups; each group can have a possible value starting from 0 to 255. What does an IP address tell you? Your geolocation mainly. Learn more about what is an IP address, how to look it up, and why you might want to protect it. May 19, 2020 How To Track An IP Address Location From An Email. There are several sites on which you can perform a whois search to track down an IP address location. A whois search is a search to find out who the owner of the domain name is or the IP address. Search for one that you like, but we'll use Whois.com today. Your IP address can tell people a lot about you. It can reveal your city, ZIP Code, and area code if someone knows where to look. However, an IP address doesn't always show the correct information.

Using your smartphone to access the Internet, and send emails, visit sites or log into social media accounts is a common thing these days, but what about privacy? Can someone trace your cell phone IP address? And if yes, what you can do to protect yourself and hide your real IP? Or at least is there any way to prevent that data from letting others identifying the person behind or maybe locating where he or she lives?

Mobile phones and IP tracking

What Can Someone Do With My Ip

Sequence diagram for hotel room booking system. Technically speaking, when you access the Internet using your cell phone, you get an assigned IP address that can be unique or randomly changed by the service provider depending on the nature of the user's connection. So, when you use a static IP address like many other cases at home, you left a trace about the IP in your emails or whatever you do online, in this case, yes, your cell phone IP can be traced and even, located exactly or approximately on the map if someone has advanced technologies and network algorithms.

Purpose of sequence diagram. On the other side, it's very hard or even impossible for someone to know your real IP address when using WiFi networks. That's because every time you connect using a WiFi, your smartphone uses a different IP that other users have used before, so, which device has used that IP in reality? Do you see?


It's not easy and even hard to achieve that level of conclusion even after an investigation. However, if you use Bluetooth, then, that will increase the risk of intercepting your data and in that case, the IP could be also intercepted and identified.

Now, if you think that you send a message on Facebook, for example, using your home connection, then, you shared your real IP address that can be located and traced. That's valid only, of course, if the ISP is assigning unique IP to your home network and router.

In addition, when using the ISP mobile connection, you get an IP address that changes every time you connect and reconnect. What is my remote ip address. Consequently, it's not possible to have the same IP address every time you use the Internet, it's unlike home internet connection use where you have a static IP for everything as devices.

What Does An Ip Address Tell You

It's not easy and even hard to achieve that level of conclusion even after an investigation. However, if you use Bluetooth, then, that will increase the risk of intercepting your data and in that case, the IP could be also intercepted and identified.

Now, if you think that you send a message on Facebook, for example, using your home connection, then, you shared your real IP address that can be located and traced. That's valid only, of course, if the ISP is assigning unique IP to your home network and router.

In addition, when using the ISP mobile connection, you get an IP address that changes every time you connect and reconnect. What is my remote ip address. Consequently, it's not possible to have the same IP address every time you use the Internet, it's unlike home internet connection use where you have a static IP for everything as devices.

The modern home-connected devices use different IPs unless you ask for a static one, or you configured your own static IP. Meanwhile, it's recommended to test your IP on Google, then, disconnect and reconnect a few times to see if it changes or not. If you get the same IP, then, it's fixed and in that case, a VPN is highly recommended to protect your privacy as anyone can see your location, etc …through that unchanged IP.

What Does An Ip Address Tell You The Location Of

How to protect your cell phone IP?

The best IP protection solution that I recommend is using a premium VPN service, and from what I tested NordVPN is the best one with global locations including the US, sophisticated server protection, and accreted internet connection which will same time bandwidth by compressing the data and encrypts everything the user ned and receive to his phone or laptop

What Does An Ip Address Tell You About The World

Unlike the free VPN solutions, that's well protected and used by professionals just like anyone else who access websites and social networks. In fact, free VPN options may look working in the first use, but what they do is slowing down your connection more than protecting it. They use overloaded servers and even with a lower level of protection compared to the paid ones.

What Does Having An Ip Address Tell You

The VPN WiFi protection feature encrypts the connection between your cell phone and the website you use or visit. That way, even if someone succeeds in identifying the IP you used, he will only get the VPN server IP and not yours. It's like a firewall that forward requests to their VPN network and not the real one. That's the ideal way to use the Internet from iPhone or Android devices and stay protected without being identified or traced by sharing data about the IP or location.

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